Keep it Hydrated
For those who are striving to achieve that perfect blonde shade, you end up putting your hair through some trauma. Bleaching can be a very harsh process on your hair and it can strip many of its oils and nutrients. This can lead to dry, brittle and stretchy hair.
Dyed blonde requires a lot of TLC, especially if you are trying to restore it from damage. To help hydrate your hair, we recommend a leave-in conditioner or hair mask. Deep treatments are a great way to restore the moisture stripped from the colouring process.
Protect it From Heat
Adding excessive amounts of heat onto your hair when it has already received a chemical process can damage it and dull your shine. It is important you give your hair a break from heat styling every once in a while.
If you do use heat, ALWAYS be sure to use a heat protectant spray and never skip on conditioner.
Purple Shampoo
Over time, the elements will make your hair go from cool tones to brassy. To help make it last, we recommend purple shampoo. Purple shampoo is specially formulated to combat brassy tones and leave your hair looking fresher and like exactly what you paid for.
Purple is directly opposite the colour yellow on the colour wheel. Therefore, when the purple pigments are absorbed by your hair follicle, it covers and cancels any warm, yellowy tones.
Choosing the perfect purple shampoo can be difficult as there are many different brands. However, our salon can give you the best advice.