Massage is a fantastic therapy technique to improve you both mentally and physically. There are several benefits to using massage therapy, whether this is for a one-off or you to decide to have regular massages. Not only is this an enjoyable experience you can massively benefit.
Ivory Taylor offer a range of skin, beauty and hair treatment for our clients. Massage therapy is one of the best options for you, with our team based locally in Colchester.
Easing Muscle Pain
Massage is very commonly used with top-level athletes and can be one of the best ways to reduce and ease muscle pain. Whether you decide to have massage therapy to specifically deal with certain injuries or just decide to have this after taking part in quite intense sports, it could significantly reduce the amount of pain in your muscles.
You also want to keep your body in peak physical condition. If you are regularly exercising and taking part in sports, it can be difficult to stay fit and continue exercising without damaging the same muscle after an injury. Your muscles can always be kept in the best possible condition with massage, reducing pain and improving circulation around the body.
Relaxation & Enjoyment
Massage therapy is not only to deal with mental and physical pressure you may find yourself under. Although it can help with both these problems, massage is a very relaxing experience, making it enjoyable for anyone looking to take a break and just unwind.
Whether you decide to do this once a week, once a month or whenever you feel like it, massage therapy can be enough to rejuvenate you and power you through a tough week. Even if you are not experiencing any difficulties, you should still be relaxed by massages, allowing you to take your mind off anything going on in your life.
Lowering Stress & Blood Pressure
Stressing over either your work or personal life is never good and sometimes, it can be difficult to get away from it all and just switch off! Massage has been proved to reduce stress and lower blood pressure, as well as dealing with both anxiety and depression.
Deciding to have regular massage sessions over a longer period will also boost energy levels, making it much easier to deal with stress and any emotional problems you are encountering. Massage therapy can be one of the most stress reliving processes for people of any age, bringing you more enjoyment and peace in your day-to-day life.
Restore Sleeping Patterns
Regular massage sessions have also been found to improve the quality of sleep. Massages triggers the release of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that helps you feel calm. By doing this, it can results in a better sleep when having regular massages as your body is constantly calm.
Whether you struggle sleeping or just want to make sure you get enough rest, using massage therapy is a great technique to improve your sleeping patterns. Getting enough sleep is similar to massage therapy. It can significantly help to maintain energy levels and reduce stress.
Improving Posture & Circulation
Regardless of your current age, having good posture and circulation is essential. Even at a younger age, it is important to maintain your posture and make sure this does not become worse as you get older and ultimately affect your mobility.
Circulation is similar as the long term benefits should provide proper circulation to your muscles and keep your body in the best condition for the future.
Contact Us
For more information regarding the benefits of massage therapy, get in touch with Ivory Taylor today. We provide massages in Colchester, ranging between 30 minutes to an hour. You can always book at a suitable time for your needs. Make an enquiry and call us on 01206 851770, text 07749 274571 or fill in our contact form today.